Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Rahuls of India

 If this Rahul is able to catch the imagination of the audience for atleast next 20 years, India & even world will be more peaceful place to live in. His singing with great devotion and the typical bhava ( expression with deep understanding of the lyrics ) is really soul stirring. He is just entering the adolescence, with a young boyish voice , he is able to understand the mood of the composer of songs in any language with utmost perfection to tie the soul of his listeners with his music.  If he is able to keep his passion towards music alive despite likely distraction of stardom & related addictions, he is likely to influence another generation to name the children as RAHUL. He will be a great ambassador for peace with Music.

Tons of inspiration, perspiration & determination this Rahul is able to give India in the last 25 years.  To a certain extent , Kapil Dev was the 1st one to shore up Indian dream of Sports as a profession & later gave a platform in Indian Cricket League (ICL ) for youngsters to be groomed, which later BCCI overshadowed with IPL. From KD, it was RD who has started shouldering the responsibility to grow youngsters. Dravid was the best motivator from non striker's end is the value even his famous over rated contemporaries could not match. Even in 2021 Rahul Dravid is busy training 500 odd coaches for training youngsters in every nook & corner of the cricket crazy nation. Right from his playing days to till now as the Head of National Cricket Academy, Every Rival Captain , Coaches & trainers acknowledge The Great Wall of India is becoming stronger & Making India Stronger. It is high time, political system absorb him in the political spectrum and use his training & administrative skills for the betterment of the Nation.  Rahul Dravid should not shy away from politics. The 1st step in acting as a angry man (in Credit card Ad ) has surprised many and he proclaims in the ad as " Indira Nagar ka gunda hoon mein " is probably a right qualification for a politician. 

Rahul Dravid is already a motivational speaker and he must get inspired from Rahul Gandhi, who could daringly speak on anything anywhere without any data on Hand. Rahul Gandhi could see Modi everywhere. From the clogged drains to the choking viruses he could see Modi's hand anywhere. He is actually become a PM Modi's Bhakt.  Modi's biggest boon is Mr. RG as the opposition leader. More He tantrums on the actions and inactions of  the Central Government, it gets a political mileage to NaMo. 

Rahul Gandhi's biggest contribution to Indian politics was putting efforts to bring RTI Act 2005. It could really bring out many bureaucratic corrupt practices to the public domain. Unfortunately his party's own government UPA II had to pay the price heavily with the list of charges through this act. He went on to become Rahul Chahar in bowling more googlys.
Rahul Gandhi is hitting the wrong lines and already his actions and messages are more helping India's arch rivals to file potshots at India. The speed at which 2nd wave Started spreading in India, no country can handle it easily , that too with huge population load India is having. Rahul Gandhi is fast losing the ground as he is busy accusing the ruling party for everything at the moment of serious crisis. Even if the Present Government is not able to handle it efficiently as alleged by him, the series of events strongly makes India becoming a victim of bio war for its over adventure towards Vaccine Diplomacy where it started exporting Vaccines to 75 odd countries. Whole world knows the cunningness of powerful pharmaceutical lobbies and their adverse reactions to loss of business. India paid a heavy price in the name of " Green Revolution" in 1960s by introducing pesticides in farming & decades later same companies come to sell anti cancer drugs.  Investing in diseases & reaping in the medicine has been the international pharmaceutical companies' modus operandi.

In 2024, if all the opposition parties and their masters still thinking of RG's face to could stop Modi Juggernaut,  it will be a sitting duck to score a Hatrick. For a democracy to win, the opposition has to be strong & healthy to give a healthy environment to evolve public conscience. Though Mamata of Bengal has given a hatrick of Victories,  making her as a common candidate will not be easier for other regional parties and get a pan India appeal. Same with TN's Stalin, Kerala's Vijayan, Odisha's Patnaik, Bihar's Nitish etc... Common person acceptable to all the  regional Kings may be their pet King Maker Mr. Prashant Kishor (PK ). Probably he can be made the Chair Person of the Congress Party as the Mother- son duo couldn't make a choice & 23 grumbling voices are echoing the walls for a change. It will be a real test for Mr. PK to lead from the front.  Then rope in all the khans of Bollywood to pitch in with their concerns about the safety of India. These can be a mega ghatbandhan, may be all of them can collectively pounce on that untameable bull with a 56" Chest. That will be a real Jallikattu 2024. Otherwise we have to a Import a Martian alien only. 

Unbearable summer heat & breaking news of repeated calamities to COVID's second wave, China's hegemony propelling WW3, only one person can bring real peace to the mind is world's 1st Rahul's Father, who went on to became Gautama Buddha. 

OMG !!! Xi Jinping getting headache on dreaming His Holiness Dalai Lama becoming the Head of Tibet. 

Oh Mind  !! Relax !! Stop watching TV , 
seeing web stories, reading news papers.
Just listen to " Pibare Rama Rasam" by Rahul Vellal 

Mohd. Rafi's " Sukh ke sab saathi"

KJ Yesudas's  " kaa karoon sajini "


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